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Recognising When to Reward an Employee

Many employees respond well to being appreciated at work, particularly when that appreciation is given by recognition of their particular work achievements. This is because it confirms that their personal work, efforts, and strengths are valued.

A simple thank you goes a long way. Saying thank you, in whichever way you choose, makes your employees feel great and benefits your business in the long run. Taking the extra time to recognise and reward employee greatness helps to increase productivity, encourages staff engagement and retains staff.

But when should you reward staff? Here are some reasons to celebrate employee achievements:

Build that bond

Recognising employees’ hard work and appreciating their daily efforts builds a strong relationship between the employee and their direct manager. This bond is essential for a positive work environment where members of staff feel that they can comfortably speak to those managers in charge.

A happy place to work

If all employees are happy, this indeed makes for a happy workplace – and in a happy place of work, positive things happen. If managers, business owners, and department bosses recognise each employee’s good work, even the small things, then they not only enjoy their work but feel a sense of pride in their job –happy employees all round! Reward and make happy employees…

Exceeding responsibility

If a member of your business has gone above and beyond their daily duties, they have exceeded what you, as a business owner, reasonably expect from them. Isn’t that worth recognising with praise? Why not let them leave work early? Or have an extra hour for their lunch break? Reward them with some relaxing time.

Taking the lead

It’s always a good idea to reward members of staff if they use their initiative and step up – perhaps to take control of a project, idea or meeting. They could have then completed a task more satisfactorily than normal. This should be rewarded so that others take the lead in the future.

How to reward employees

There are many ways that you as a company owner can treat your staff members; maybe a cash prize, bonus, time off or even treated to a lunch or dinner. Why not even go one step further and hold an award ceremony at the end of the year and hold nominations for several employee awards? View our range of corporate gifts for employees.

Corporate awards ceremony

But what prizes do you give at your awards ceremony? Laser Crystal, based in Poole, Dorset produce a large range of 3D laser engraved business awards and corporate awards that are perfect executive gifts. Their in-house design team means that you can choose your bespoke award to suit your business, employees, award category and more.

Ready to order your business awards? Call Laser Crystal on [xyz-ihs snippet=”Telephone-link”] or email [xyz-ihs snippet=”Email-link”] to discuss your needs and requirements for your 3D laser engraved crystal corporate awards.

View our employee recognition awards.


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